Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wild and Scenic

A quick post - anyone in Nevada City this weekend might want to hop along to There Once was an Island at Wild and Scenic Film Festival. Quick reference details:

Wild and Scenic 2011
Saturday 15 January — 11:00am
Miners Foundry Stone Hall
325 Spring Street, Nevada City, CA 95959

Sunday 16 January — 3:25pm

Nevada City Elementary


Godfrey said...

What's the status of the Marshallese now? Where exactly is Takuu on Mortlock? Is it here: 5.334721, 153.733406?

Briar March and Lyn Collie said...

Hi there - it looks like you've got the wrong Mortlock Island - there are two.

Takuu can be found here in google maps:,157.034004&spn=0.006875,0.008229&t=h&z=17

Things on the island seem to be substantially the same, but it can be hard to get news, so if anyone has heard any developments please post them.