Thursday, November 16, 2006

DOP and funding found!

We're delighted to announce that Zane Holmes, producer and director on such luminastic NZ television shows as Maddigan’s Quest, Secret Agent Men, P.E.T Detectives and Being Eve has decided to bring his contacts, his technical expertise and his shoot-to-edit eye to Takuu in order to be our Director of Photography. The search has been pretty extensive and we're really happy to have a filmmaker as flexible and enthusiastic as Zane onboard.


We're equally delighted to announce that production company Robbers Dog has given us the NZ$8,000 that we needed to guarantee a safe shoot. Robbers Dog are also being very supportive in the nuts and bolts of managing the project, and in looking for sponsorship. They join Occasional Productions and the Screen Innovation Production Fund in helping us get the film in the can.

Enormous generosity has been shown to Takuu film, but we can always use more funding - every dollar will make a difference to what ends up on screen, and we still need decent camera and sound equipment, solar panels and a petrol generator, as well as miniDV stock, both used and blank. If you're wanting to contribute to the project please get in touch.


Adagio said...

hey, briar, good luck!

rebecca (alias adagio)

Cindy said...

I'll be watching - good luck with everything! I'll send more people your way.
